Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to be good at study

Control mind and achieve your goal.

Human mind is a collection of some amazing  complex  Phenomenas.Mind is not a part of body.Mind is said to be some electro-chemical reaction in brain due to five senses.

  In the human body, there are two Internal functions.a)Digestion, Lungs, heart.(b)Feelings, thoughts.

Persons who won in life were done mind controlling etc.

To have confidence and to control your mind follow these steps

■Take a neat white paper, right the followings are paste it in your bedroom and repeat it 10 times every morning  when you wake up.

1) I'm a Healthy and Happy man

2) Everyday my memory and self-confidence are increasing.

3) My self-confidence and mind-power is increasing day-by-day.

4) I loving myself.Respecting.Approving

5)I can overcome any situation.

This can control your mind and you'll never say ' can't ' if you do it daily.
You can do without laziness.

Increase Memory power in Natural ways

Are you tired with forgetting things ?

"Interest and repetation are father and mother of memory"

Especially students forgot lessons overtime.To increase your memory ability, follow these simple and easy steps.

1) Go to bed early as possible and wake up early(Before 5:30).Revise lessons @ morning.

2) Study your lessons up to Twenty minutes and then, revise what you study for Five minutes.

3) Studying depend on surroundings; Select a open area(or a comfortable room) only for studying which should be clean and calm.

4) Eat healthy food such as help to increase memory; egs : Brain of Goat.

5) Revise Topics you studied that night just before you go to bed.

6) Revise Studied topics ; a)First revision after 20 minutes.(b) Second revision after 12 hours.(c)Next revision after 6 days.(d)Then Fourth revision after 6 months.

7) Eat Dinner before 8 o'clock.Eat body friendly foods.Not indigestible foods.Eat a little, but not very little.If you eat a lot, you'll fall asleep quickly.Eat vegetables especially leafy vegetables and Fruits.

8) Sleep minimum 6 hours.(Recommended interval  : 11:00 pm to 5:00 am)

9) Excises when wake up at morning for 15 or 30 minutes which help blood circulation better which enable to understand topics.After that take bath and start studying.Drink energy drinks.(Horliks, Boost, Complan, Bornvitta, Milk.)

10) Give an interval after 30 minutes of studying.Use this time to enjoy T.V shows drink your favorite drinks.But don't use time more than 15 minutes.

11) Use a constant place to study.It'll help you in examinations by you can remember thing easily.

12) Self confidence and interest will make you win.

13) It is surveyed that after 20 minutes students forget about half of he studied.Memory is related with Time and Period.

"Interest and repetation are father and mother  of memory" Is a proverb in English.So without repetation and interest to know, it is not much possible to remember things.

With regards
RAC 007

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monetize your blog

Steve Pavlina written a detailed useful article on How to Make Money From Your Blog-he writes a no. of tips and tricks for Bloggers those who decided to Monetize or not.

He listed out every possible ways to make money from blogging in a secure way.Also there are other useful information.The Article is much longer so you have to Bookmark it.The Article covers most of the points that a blogger should be aware are known.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Height Problem ? Increase Height by simple steps

Natural ways to increase height.

Follow these simple steps to success

1) Get the proper sleep; eight hours at least a night.Sleep without pillow.

2) Proper Nutrition; Eat diet rich in fruits, Vegetables, Proteins.Take Multivitamins.Drink lots of water, Drink Milk and eat Dairy products.

3) Run Five miles a Day; Run with 5 pound angle weights, increase to Ten pound by overtime.

4) Jump ropes 400 times a day, the goal is to do 1000-2000 jump rope a day but that will be done through out time.

5) Do Pull ups; Starts with 15 Pull ups a day, try to make it to 100 Pull ups a day over time.

6) Do Sit ups with 10 pound medicine ball start out with 50, do 1000 sit overtime.

7) Hang from a bar 2 to 4 minutes a day, make it Ten times overtime.

Following these steps give way to your Dreams surely.
Wish you all the best

RAC 007

CPU Registers : Different CPU Registers

CPU Registers

The central processing unit contains a number of memory locations which are individually addressable and reserved for specific purpose. These memory locations are called registers.They accept, store and transfer data from CPU at a very high speed.All instuctions and data are loaded in the registers before sending to CPU.The results and intermediate results are also stored here before directing to any other components . Some of these registers are accessible to the programmer while some others are for the exclusive use of CPU. This latter set of registers is used for storage, interpretation and execution of instructions and the intermediate results. Total number of these registers varies among different computers. Widely used microprocessors have got eighteen 32-bit data registers which are used for storing instructions and operand of various sizes. One of these seven are 32-bit general purpose registers. These registers are accessible to the programmer and are used for holding addresses or as index registers for indexed memory addressing.

Every present-day CPU design includes registers for a variety of purposes, from storing the address of the currently-executed instruction to more general-purpose data storage and manipulation. CPU registers run at the same speed as the rest of the CPU; otherwise, they would be a serious bottleneck to overall system performance. The reason for this is that nearly all operations performed by the CPU involve the registers in one way or another.

The number of CPU registers (and their uses) are strictly dependent on the architectural design of the CPU itself. There is no way to change the number of CPU registers, short of migrating to a CPU with a different architecture. For these reasons, the number of CPU registers can be considered a constant, as they are changeable only with great pain and expense.

We know that register is a special- purpose memory. This memory is vital for moving data in and out of the main memory and to process the data. When CPU executes the instructions, there is a transfer of information between various units of the computer system. CPU uses these registers to handle the process of execution effectively and efficiently. They are a part of the central processing unit but can not be considered as a part of main memory. They can hold only one piece of data at a time. Registers receive the information, hold it temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit. The number of registers varies from computer to computer, each one designed to perform a specific function. Registers have a specific storage capacity normally 14 registers are present in a microcomputer. The most commonly used registers are:

(1) The first one is the program counter. This is 16-bit register. Its only function is to hold the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched, after executing the current instruction it is also called instructions address register, control register or sequence control register.((Program counter: holds the address of the next instruction to executed.))
(2) The second one is Instruction registers. It is 32-bit register. It is used to store the current instructions which are being executed. These registers are the part of the computer.(( Instruction register: holds the instruction while it is being executed.))
(3) MAR (Memory Address Register): The address on the memory location from which data has to be read is stored here.
(4) MRB (Memory Buffer Registers): The data read from the memory location is stored in this registers.
(5) General Purpose Registers: They are used asscratch pad by the CPU to store the result and the intermediate result during a processing.There may be about 8 of them in a CPU with accumulator register,the most importent of them.
(6) Accumulator: stores the result of the last processing step of the ALU.
(7) Address register: holds the location of the next piece of data.
(8) Storage register: holds the information on its way to and from the main memory.
(9) Input/output register: communicates with the input/output devices.

Computer Memory


Just like humans, computers rely a lot on memory. They need to process and store data, just like we do. However, computers store data in digital format, which means the information can always be called up exactly the way it was stored. Also, unlike our memory, the computer's memory doesn't get worse over time.
While memory can refer to any medium of data storage, it usually refers to RAM, or random access memory. When your computer boots up, it loads the operating system into its memory, or RAM. This allows your computer to access system functions, such as handling mouse clicks and keystrokes, since the event handlers are all loaded into RAM. Whenever you open a program, the interface and functions used by that program are also loaded into RAM.

RAM is a very high-speed type of memory, which makes it ideal for storing active programs and system processes. It is different than hard disk space in that RAM is made up of physical memory chips, while hard disks are magnetic disks that spin inside a hard drive. Accessing RAM is much faster than accessing the hard disk because RAM access is based on electric charges, while the hard drive needs to seek to the correct part of the disk before accessing data. However, all the information stored in RAM is erased when the computer's power is turned off. The hard disk, on the other hand, stores data magnetically without requiring any electrical power.
Another common type of memory is flash memory, which is typically used for small devices such as digital cameras, USB keychain drives, and portable music players like the iPod nano. This kind of memory, known as "electrically erasable programmable read-only memory" (EEPROM), is convenient for portable devices, since it stores information even when its power source is turned off, but is smaller and more resilient than a hard drive.
To summarize, memory is a vital part of the way computers and many electronic devices function.

Primary Memory

Primary memory(Internel memory) is the memory that can be directly accessed by the CPU which constantly interacts with it, retrieves data stored therein, goes through instructions and execute them as per the requirement. All the information, data and application are loaded there in uniform manner. Earlier William tubes, delay lines or rotating magnetic drums were used as primary storage which were later replaced by magnetic core memory. Solid-state silicon chip technology revolutionized the electronic memory and paved the way for Random Access Memory (RAM). RAM is volatile (temporary) but fast form of memory.
Secondary memory
Secondary memory is not directly accessible to the CPU. Input/output channels are used to access this non volatile memory. This memory does not lose the data when the system is powered off. The most familiar form of secondary memory that is widely used is Hard Disk. Some examples of secondary memory are USB sticks, floppy drives and Zip drives.

Secondary storage

Secondary storage (or external memory) differs from primary storage in that it is not directly accessible by the CPU. The computer usually uses its input/output channels to access secondary storage and transfers the desired data using intermediate area in primary storage. Secondary storage does not lose the data when the device is powered down .it is non-volatile(Permanent)...

Keyword/Serial key/Product key/Cd key for Medal of Honor Allied Assault

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tips to get Adsense Account Approved

Here are some simple tricks and tips to get your Adsense account approved

Dear Friends,

Is your problem is approval of Adsense account ? then read and understand some simple tricks to get your account approved.

Before days, the approval of adsense account is simple those who own a blog or a website with adsense revenue sharing.But now it has been changed.Google have made some strict changes in their approval process.

Here listed a few steps to get your adsense account approved.

1)Apply for Adsense only after your blog or Website contain sufficient and good content.After only that you've to apply for adsense.It is easier to get approved at first attempt that trying more.

2)Educational contents, Question papers are allowed to copied sometimes but it is better to copy such contain after your adsense account get approved.Do not try to add such posts in your site before approval.It leads to more time to approve your account.

3)Google will verify your contents when apply for adsense account, so it is better to posts self written contents only.

4)It is better to upload your real photo and profile if you apply through any Adsense revenue sharing sites.

5)Apply through gmail IDs which has your real name in it, and not use e-mail id with you nickname or other.

6)If your application was rejected by Google, so re-apply only after four or five weak.In that time try to post self written(Non-copied) sufficient contents in your site as much as you can, if not your re-application will be rejected by Google verification team without reviewing your contents.

7)Make your website attractive, Create good Links, Appropriate content connected with the Title of Site, Easy to reach in your website, Label your site URL everywhere you can.

Follow these easy steps to get adsense account approved.

The importance of quality sleep

This article explains the importance of quality sleep which is very much essential for rejuvenation of both body and mind. It also lists some guidelines to have a restful, relaxed and a quality sleep.

Study after study speaks volumes about the importance of adequate sleep to overall health and well-being. But life's challenges in our harried world prevent us from realizing the fact that sleep deprivation has been associated with all sorts of problems from catching a cold to unsafe driving.

Sleeplessness or insomnia is a state of being not able to get to sleep, getting up frequently during night times, not feeling refreshed after getting up from the bed in the morning, etc,. Thus, it is clear that it is not just the hour quantity of sleep but the quality of sleep that determines a good sleep. Sleep is so vital to maintain good health and a positive mental well-being. We must cultivate the habit of getting a restful sleep each night.

Importance of Sleep

Food, hard work and sleep are the three essential factors which are required for a healthy living. "Why do we sleep?" is the question which still remains unanswered though many studies and researches are conducted about it. Electronic equipments such as mobiles needs to be charged periodically for its effective functioning. Similarly, adequate sleep is a natural charger for recharging both our body and mind. A good and a peaceful sleep is essential for a healthy mind and a healthy body.

Though sleep pattern and needs vary from person-to-person, researchers and doctors are of the view that adults need 7-8 hours of quality sleep, teens 8-9 hours of sleep, school children 9-10 hours of sleep and preschoolers 10-12 hours of sleep. Newborns often sleep 16-18 hours a day.

Sleep is common for all living beings in this world. Plants, animals and all other living organisms sleep. Sleep is a medicine which can help you recover from both mental sickness and other health ailments. Many doctors prescribe sleeping as a remedy to all mental sickness, worries and depression. But it is unfortunate we fail to understand that sleep is the most essential thing for rejuvenation of the body and the mind and that the lack of quality sleep will bring in a host of health issues. This article explains the importance of sleep in detail.

A good sleep should suffice the following things.
a. Rest for eyes
b. Rest for Body
c. Rest for Mind

Rest for Eyes

The work we carry out in our day-to-day life involves a lot of strain to our eyes. So, it is very much essential to provide adequate rest to our eyes by taking a nap in the afternoon. It has been documented that daytime nap is good for the heart. It is good to avoid starring at the monitor for a very long time and we can also take short breaks to rejuvenate our eye-nerves. It is also good to wash the eyes with cold water to have a refreshing feel. Some simple eye exercises can be practiced regularly to ensure we get adequate rest to our eyes.

Rest for Body

It is a known fact that a new born baby needs to sleep for 18 hours a day. Similarly, an adult requires 6-8 hours of undisturbed sleep. It is worth mentioning that oversleeping is also not good for health. It may cause many diseases like obesity and other heart related problems.

Rest for Brain

We could sense the feeling of depression and tiredness once we are overloaded with work. Adequate sleep is very much essential for a healthy and a active brain. But our current culture of hurry and worry, long work schedules, shift work, increased anxiety and increased uses of Internet and television late at night deprive us of our essential sleep. So, it is very much important to plan things and allow for adequate sleep time because a lack of adequate sleep inhibit the production of an important hormone in our brain, namely, serotonin which induces sleep and thereby soothes and rejuvenate the mind and body. It is proven that low serotonin levels and too much stress are the reasons for sleeplessness.

Are we acting against nature?

All living beings except the six sensed mankind adhere themselves to the strict laws of nature. Non adherence to the laws of nature is the main reason for all adverse effects. We seem to have forgotten the dictum, "Early to bed, early to rise" which is faithfully followed by birds and animals excepting the modern man.

Could anybody hear the chirping of the birds at dawn and dusk? No, they all are set for a peaceful sleep after their hard work during morning times. Man's quest for riches and opulence has made him run from pillar to post. He has no time to stand and see the beauties around him. He has a lot of time and means to spend on transient and trivial things in life. But he has no time to set apart for his daily wellness routine. He develops the habit of attending late night parties and late night sleeping at the cost of his health and often fails to understand proper eating habits, handwork and proper sleep pattern which is the base for a healthy living. It is worth mentioning that it is the parents' responsibility to encourage children to adapt a healthy life style which includes a proper sleep pattern too.

Is sleeplessness a disease?

No, sleeplessness is not a disease. It can be cured by changing our lifestyle. Sleeplessness can be due to one of the following reasons.

1. Mental stress or depression or worries
2. Physical ailments
3. Lack of proper sleeping facilities

Overcome mental stress

Most of the young people spend too much of time thinking about the future forgetting to live in the present. Too much of thinking may result in stress, tension and worries paving way to sleeplessness.


1. Avoid worrying about things which is beyond your reach.

2. Plan and aim for things based on your capacity and caliber.

Physical ailments

A typical example is the case of diabetic patients. They cannot have a good sleep as they have the problem of frequent urination. Similarly, people suffering from wheezing problems and Asthma also find difficulty in having a good sleep. Some people also have the habit of biting teeth, snoring and blabbering too.

We are living in a fast moving world. We have today too little sleep and too much activity. We think that sleep is a routine thing like breathing. We don't realize that sleep deprivation disrupts production of important hormones and that sleep deprivation is linked to various health problems.

We think that all our woes and worries relating to sleep deprivation can be quick fixed by means of some over the counters medications. But we must understand that sleeping pills give only temporary solutions and they do not address the problem of why we cannot sleep. A new study shows that over the counter and prescription medications to get sleep each night triple the risk for mortality. But the problem ofsleeplessness can be easily dealt with some life-style modifications.

Some tips for a better sleep

1. We must get up with sunrise and go to bed as early as possible in the night.

2. It is good to avoid caffeine after lunch.

3. It is good to avoid alcohol.

4. Avoid high GI(Glycemic Index) foods like carbohydrate before sleeping.

5. Don't exercise close to bedtime.

6. Have warm bath massage; warm aromatherapy is also good.

7. Keep off TV/computer thirty minutes before bed.

8. Keep regular schedule;go to bed at about the same time every night.

9. Let go off stress before bed. Bed time is not the time for introspection. so, get rid of your worries before bed.

10. Have some relaxing activities prior to bedtime;deep breathing exercise will facilitate relaxation.

11. The environment of the bedroom should be sleep-friendly. The sleeping room should not be used for other purposes, such as eating, working etc,.

12. Left side sleeping is good as it will facilitate digestion.

13. Listen to some soothing music prior to sleep.

14. It is good to Wear comfortable night wear.

We are living in a world of stress. We have forgotten the technique of relaxing. As a result we feel depressed, frustrated and irritated. Tensions, worries and anxieties have become part of our daily life in modern times. To cure these ills, we must all realize that we do notsleep enough and learn the art of achieving quality sleep by following the above guidelines.

Sleep well Feel well

Monday, March 7, 2011

Increase your PC Perfomence

Hi Friends,
Are you angry with your computer performance ?

Everybody wants his system to work at a high speed. Thus by taking care of certain small things system speed can be boosted. System performance depends on number of factors such as RAM, startup programs, contents in temporary folder and so on. Here are some tips to increase system speed:

1) Run Disk Cleanup at least once a month to delete the temporary and obsolete files. The more number of temporary files in the Temp folder, slower will be its performance. It can be done in two ways either by using CCleaner software or by using Windows System Tools’ Disk Cleanup utility by going to Start–>All Programs–>Accessories–>System Tools–>Disk Cleanup. Follow the instructions thereafter.

2) Use Defragmentation utility to defragment the partitions of the hard disk. Defragmentation helps you in arranging your data on the hard disk in contiguous locations. Thus it leads to better and faster disk access. This can also be done in two ways by using Defraggler. You can also use Disk Defragmenter utility provided by Windows by going to Start–>All Programs–>Accessories–>System Tools–>Disk Defragmenter. Follow the instructions thereafter

3) Sometimes right click menu appears late. Download ShellExView software. This helps you in disabling some of the components of the menu thereby increasing the speed of the right click. One more thing can be done, uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers option by going to Tools–>Folder Options–>View tab.

4) You can disable File Indexing and achieve some better results. This service selects information from documents and files and creates an index of searchable keywords on hard disk. This feature can be disabled by right clicking the C: partition and choose Properties. Uncheck Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching. Next click Apply and then OK button.

5) You can reduce the boot up time by disabling unnecessary services running in the background during and after startup. To accomplish this go to Start–>Run–>Type MSCONFIG. Click startup tab and uncheck and suspicious or unwanted service. Click OK and then restart your PC.

6) Animations may provide a good view but they also degrade some system performance. They can be disabled by:

a) Go to Control Panel.

b) Click System icon.

c) In the dialogue box thus opened click Advanced Tab.

d) Click settings button under Performance section.

e) Uncheck the desired animation schemes.

7) Uninstall any unnecessary program installed on the system which runs in the background using Add/Remove Programs.

8) Always keep the anti virus software updated.

9) Installing more number of fonts on the system degrades its performance. Generally 500 is enough, above which it may cause some issues.

10) If RAM is less then 512 MB then it must be upgraded for better results. It can be upgraded to 1GB/2GB and so on according to the need.

11) Keep the system clean by opening it and removing dust inside the cabinet at least once in 6 months.

12) Keep the video and motherboard chipset drivers updated.

13) You can also remove all Spyware stuff from you system. Take the help of your Anti Virus software.